Tired of Dealing With Persistent Electrical Issues?

Tired of Dealing With Persistent Electrical Issues?

Call on our electrical repair technician in Dayton, OH

Some electrical issues don't have simple solutions. Before you spend too much time looking up outlet repair tutorials or attempting to troubleshoot your electrical issues yourself, call on Burks Electric Service, LLC in Dayton, OH for assistance. With nearly a decade of experience, our lead electrician can come up with effective solutions on the spot.

Our electrical repair services include...

  • Electrical troubleshooting
  • Light switch and outlet repair
  • Faulty component replacement

Rather than forcing you to sign a contract, we'll give you a free written estimate for your records. Schedule a site visit in the Dayton, OH area to get started.

Dealing with isolated power outages?

Our electrical repair technician can figure out why you've lost power in certain rooms, or your entire home. He can then make repairs that meet or exceed the standards set by the National Electric Code. Please be aware that we require payment upon completion.

Call 937-314-3048 now to make an appointment.